Enclosed herewith is the list of the awards given annually. As per the decision of the MOS Scientific Committee during its meeting in August 2017, except for the V K Chitnis oration(1), Life time achievement award(2), Best Medical teacher(3), Ahmednagar Academy Award (7), SN Cooper oration(8), SD Athavale award(9) and Prof Ishwarchandra award(12), Prof. T.P.Lahane award (20), the remaining awards shall be competitive. The above mentioned awards shall be decided by the scientific committee and members are requested to contact its chairman for any queries.
1. V.K. Chitnis Oration: A short summary of the C.V and a 50 line abstract of the presenting paper of nominee to be sent. The nominee must present the paper himself/herself. In extremely unavoidable circumstances, co author of the paper/another member designated by nominee may be allowed to read the paper with the permission of the President of MOS. Those applying for V.K. Chitnis oration must submit the full text of their scientific work before 15th August 2022.
2. Life time Achievement Award: Awarded to senior members not less than 65 years of age. Should have actively participated in the society for a minimum period of 10 years. Can be recommended only by the societies affiliated to MOS. The affiliated society may recommend any name posthumously. Recommendations should be sent to the Chairman, Scientific Committee along with 3 copies of his detailed bio-data & photograph with information regarding contribution to MOS organization, scientific work, Community work and Health education work.
3. Best Medical Teacher Award: Recommendation should come from the District Ophthalmological Society with detailed bio-data and academic & social and scientific work done. He / She may be full time or honorary teacher in service or retired but should be a recognized post graduate teacher for a minimum period of 15 years, recognized by University or National Board of Examination, Delhi. Final decision by Managing Committee of MOS on the basis of his work and bio-data.
4. B.G.Kelkar Award: This award is given to the best paper presented by a PG student doing his/her PG in Maharashtra. The post graduate must be associate or life member of MOS. He / She must have participated in the study. Study work must have been carried out in India. Merit will be considered for community work done in patients having poor socio economic background and / or from remote areas having geographic barriers.
5. Best Video Prize: There will be a separate video session during the conference. The abstract of this presentation should be submitted online before the due date i.e. 20th July. The actual video also must be sent to Chairman Scientific Committee by 15th August. Please refer to the detailed guidelines on the online portal of abstract submissions for MOS Conference 2022.
6. Best Academic Private practitioner: Best paper presented by a MOS member in Annual MOS Conference by a private practitioner in ophthalmology from his own experience in his private practice work (statistics should be from his private practice patients). The MOS member presenting the paper should be a private practitioner currently practicing in the state of Maharashtra. The work done submitted for the paper should have been done in Maharashtra.
7. Ahmednagar Academy Award: For non-Ophthalmologist working for the cause of prevention and eradication of blindness and for rehabilitation of the blind.
8. Dr. S. N. Cooper Oration Awards: Non ophthalmologist/Physician “Medical specialist or research scientist who has worked on ophthalmic aspects in his/her specialty.
9. Dr. S. D. Athawale Award: Any life member of MOS who has done exemplary work in Community Ophthalmology.
10. F.D.C. Award: Best paper by MOS member pertaining to Ocular/Ophthalmic Therapeutics
11. Bell Pharma Award: MOS member below the age of 45 years who has Presented the best paper on surgical aspects of Ophthalmology except for cataract.
12. Dr. Ishwarchandra Award: Any life member of MOS above 40 years of age, who has done exemplary work in Ophthalmology, can apply.
13. Y.K.C.Pandit: Best paper by MOS member under the age of 40 years
14. Bell Pharma Best PG paper Award: Best paper by Post-graduate who should be associate or life member of MOS.
15. Best Free Paper 1 and 2 sponsored by BOA: Best paper no.1 and no. 2 by MOS member
16. Best Free Paper 1 and 2 sponsored by POS: Best paper no.1 and no. 2 by MOS member
17. Best Poster Award by Jalgaon Ophthalmic Association: Best poster presented by MOS member. Please refer to the detailed guidelines for submitting and presenting poster presentation on the online portal of abstract submissions for MOS Conference 2022
18. Innovation in Ophthalmology by Sangli Ophthalmic Association: Best Paper by MOS member pertaining to Innovation in Ophthalmology.
19. Dr Suresh Limaye Award by Satara District Ophthalmic Association: Best paper by MOS member in the subject of Vitreo retina
20. Padmashree Prof. Dr,T.P.Lahane award : For an Ophthalmologist who has made an exceptional contribution in the field of clinical and community Ophthalmology in India and has contributed to academics and research. (This will be a one time award for any Ophthalmologist)
21. Best Photoessay Award: Awarded to the best Photoessay presented. Please refer to the detailed guidelines for submitting Photoessay on the online portal of abstract submissions for MOS Conference 2022
22. Dr. D L Maria Award for the Best Comprehensive Ophthalmologist:
Comprehensive ophthalmologists provide primary eye care with a specialist touch. They specialise in diagnosis and / or medical and surgical first-line treatments for disorders such as cataracts, common lid disorders, dry eye, conjunctivitis, uveitis, corneal ulcers, glaucoma, macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, common paediatric eye diseases, tumors of the eye and more. They prescribe glasses and provide contact lenses. They also contribute to community ophthalmology by creating awareness about various diseases of the eye and providing management where possible. When a medical condition indicates, they refer the patient to the care of an appropriate ophthalmology specialist.
Award will consist of a trophy, certificate and a cash award(Yearly)
Criteria to be fulfilled :
Interested candidate should apply with a CV including all the services provided in his / her practice to the respective district society affiliated to MOS. The said society will forward the application to MOS on or before the prescribed date.
Please refer to the detailed guidelines for submission of Free papers, E-posters, Videos and Photoessays by accessing the “Scientific Committee” section on this website. It is suggested that members acquaint themselves with these guidelines before submitting their work.
Dr. Jignesh Taswala
President, MOS
Dr. Ragini Parekh
Chairman, Scientific Committee MOS
Dr. Rajesh Joshi
Secretary, MOS
Dr. Rajiv Mundada
Treasurer, MOS
Dr. Swapnesh Sawant
Secretary, Scientific Committee