Presidential Address by Dr. Santosh Bhide, President – MOS
Respected Teachers, senior colleagues and friends at the outset I would like to thank you for giving me opportunity to serve this august organization by electing me as a President of MOS
Friends, all of us know that MOS is one of the oldest association of eye care professionals in India. All of us have been fortunate to have talented and hardworking Presidents in the past. Let me assure you that I will work to the best of my ability and sincerely for making MOS one of the finest organization of ophthalmologists in our country
There will be various activities of MOS this year. The theme for this year’s activities is “UPDATE TO UPGRADE”.
Let’s update our knowledge to upgrade our skills
This year we have planned various scientific programs throughout year. Besides these activities we also have planned to prepare a ready reckoner for practicing ophthalmologists.
I am happy to start my tenure by presenting MOS READY RECKONER based on this year’s theme.
I am sure this will be of great help to everyone during day to day practice. I would like to thank Dr Nikhil Gokhale for his major contribution in this scientific endeavour and all other contributors for preparing this ready reckoner
Post graduate students are our future. For training of PGs, there will be lecture series, hands on skill development programs and simulation based training programs. We have also planned a Leadership Development Program for young and upcoming ophthalmologists from MOS.
This year we are also planning MOS HACKATHON
Financial and Medico legal literacy is of paramount importance for all of us these days. Let’s Update our knowledge regarding investment and learn medico legal tips from experts in these fields
JCOR is official scientific journal of MOS. I would like to thank Dr Barun Nayak for his tremendous contribution for JCOR since beginning. I would like to
request Dr Nayak to guide us for all activities of JCOR in future also. I sincerely request all members to contribute in this scientific journal of MOS by sending articles for JCOR. Let’s make our JCOR one of the best scientific journal
Blink is a newsletter of MOS. I sincerely request all members to showcase their “Talent Beyond Ophthalmology” in this electronic version of our newsletter
Physical, mental and spiritual well-being is often neglected by all of us. We are going to have group activities for the well-being of all MOS members
Apart from academic activities, we will also have different cultural activities. We will have garba dance, annual sports day, cricket match, orchestra and drama
Friends I sincerely appeal to you for your active and whole hearted participation in all of our activities
All your suggestions are welcome! These will definitely help us in organizing various activities in a better way
Once again I thank you all and pray to the Almighty God to give me strength to complete this gigantic task.