Dr.Jignesh Taswala, President - MOS has initiated a monthly quiz - "CLASH OF THE TITANS - ROUND ROBIN LEAGUE" for all Ophthalmologists across the country and beyond.
This quiz can be participated by any ophthalmologist who is hungry for knowledge , willing to learn and a go-getter to win exciting prizes.
This program is supported by Micro Vision - for tech support and prizes for the winners.
Steps to participate in this program :
Visit the zoom webinar link - https://microlabs.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_shNpuk_hSOWcC5_xFIpU_Q to register for the event.
On the day of the event, visit the above zoom link 15 mins prior to the event. The quiz master shall present the questions and the options on zoom.
You need an alternate device to provide your answer.
On the alternate device, visit https://quiz.urbanedge.co.in/register/11/moxigram or scan the below QR code on the alternate device to participate / answer.
Keep a tap on this page to know the dates of the quiz.
Next quiz is on 27/May/2022, 9:30 PM.