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MOSCON 2025 Abstract Submission Guidelines

Only registered delegates can submit abstract for MOSCON 2025; likewise; if the abstract is selected, it is mandatory that the presenting author should have registered for the conference. Abstracts have to be submitted online only. Click here to login and submit your abstract Instruction Course

  • The abstract submission portal will accept ICs in such a way that every MOS member can submit maximum one IC as Chief instructor and one IC as co-instructor(When one submits an IC as chief instructor, his/her name will automatically show as one of the co-instructors in that particular IC; besides that he/she can be one co-instructor in someone else’s IC)
  • An IC will not be successfully uploaded till all 5 co-instructor positions with their topics and durations are filled by the submitting author.
  • Each IC will be for 50 mins duration
  • Considering a total time of 50 minutes for each IC, we suggest that each of the 5 co-instructors be given an 8 minutes duration talk so that there is 10 minutes available at the end of each IC for discussion.
  • The acceptance will be informed to the first author only, by email
  • The Chief  instructor of IC should be a ratified member of MOS. All  instructor should compulsorily register for the conference.
  • Use of personal laptops or memory devices at the podium will not be allowed, it is imperative that the presentations are loaded and checked in the preview area well before the session time
  • Revealing the identity or institution anywhere in the abstract will automatically disqualify the IC
  • Once accepted, further changes in the authors or abstract will be not be allowed
  • The Scientific committee reserves the right to modify/withdraw/disqualify the IC at any time
  • An instructors can provide consent only for Three Instruction Courses.
  • An instructors can participate in a maximum of Two Instruction Courses only as a Co-instructor.

Free paper presentation

  • The submission portal will accept a maximum of 2 free papers per author
  • The acceptance will be informed to the first author only, by email
  • Each paper presentation will be of 6 minutes duration followed by 2 minutes discussion
  • Use of personal laptops or memory devices at the podium will not be allowed, it is imperative that the presentation is loaded and checked in the preview area well before the session time
  • If the presenting author does not register for the conference, his/her selected paper is liable for disqualification(will not be allowed to present and therefore will not be eligible for award)
  • At least one of the authors should be a ratified MOS member at the time of presentation.
  • In order to be eligible for award the presenting author should be the Chief/Main author of that paper and should be a ratified MOS member at time of presentation.
  • Revealing the identity or institution anywhere in the abstract will automatically disqualify the paper
  • Once accepted, further changes in the authors or abstract will be not be allowed
  • Any details about the scientific work pertaining to the submission, example master chart/statistics should be ready for submission to the MOS scientific committee if required by the latter.
  • Certificate of paper presentation will be issued only to the Chief/Main author
  • The Scientific committee reserves the right to withdraw/disqualify the paper at any time

E-Poster Presentation

  • The submission portal will accept a maximum of 2 posters per author
  • E-poster should have a maximum of 12 powerpoint slides only and maximum 10 MB memory, or else it is liable to be disqualified
  • The acceptance will be informed to the first author only, by email
  • If the first author does not register for the conference, his/her selected poster is liable for disqualification and therefore will not be eligible for award.
  • At least one of the authors should be a ratified MOS member at the time of MOSCON 2025.
  • Revealing the identity or institution anywhere in the abstract will automatically disqualify the E-Poster
  • Once accepted, further changes in the authors or abstract will be not be allowed
  • Any details about the scientific work pertaining to the submission, example master chart/statistics should be ready for submission to the MOS scientific committee if required by the latter.
  • Certificate of poster presentation will be issued only to the Chief/Main author
  • The Scientific committee reserves the right to withdraw/disqualify the poster at any time

Video Presentations

  • The submission portal will accept a maximum of 2 video abstracts per author
  • At least one of the authors should be a ratified MOS member and/or VOS member at the time of presentation.
  • Format of video: MP4/AVI (of good quality)
  • Length of the video should not be more than 6 mins.
  • The video should compulsorily have a voice over explaining the video presentation, the authors who will be present at the podium / virtual platform during their video presentation will not be allowed to comment or gesture in any form or use a pointer.
  • The actual video must be sent to Chairman Scientific Committee before 31st March 2025. The videos can be sent online by Dropbox or WeTransfer to For assistance in uploading your video CLICK HERE. A compiled DVD / CD/Pendrive will be made by scientific committee and given to Local organization for actual presentation in video session. (A live presentation or video brought at the time of conference will not be eligible for presentation and therefore will not be considered for award either).
  • In order to be eligible for award the presenting author should be the Chief/Main author of that video and should be a ratified MOS member at time of presentation and should be present at the podium/virtual platform at time of the video presentation.
  • Revealing the identity or institution anywhere in the Abstract will automatically disqualify the video
  • Once accepted, further changes in the authors or abstract will be not be allowed
  • Certificate of video presentation will be issued only to the Chief/Main author
  • The Scientific committee reserves the right to withdraw/disqualify the video presentation at any time.

Photoessay  An interesting eye-catching photograph of an Ophthalmic Pathology (e.g. External/Slit-lamp photo, Color Fundus picture, FFA/ICG/OCT/OCTA/UBM picture, orbital CT/MRI scan, etc), with a Title and description of the same. The author has to submit the title,  description and a soft copy of the photograph while submitting the abstract. If selected for presentation, photograph with the title and description will be physically displayed and judged at the conference.[The author(s) will have to make and bring the hard copy of the photo and its title/description to be displayed at the conference; the size of which will be informed to the author at the time of informing the selection/acceptance]

  • The submission portal will accept a maximum of 2 PHOTOESSAYS per author
  • The acceptance will be informed to the chief author only, by email
  • If the chief author does not register for the conference, his/her selected paper is liable for disqualification(will not be allowed to present/display and therefore will not be eligible for award)
  • At least one of the authors should be a ratified MOS member at the time of presentation.
  • Revealing the identity or institution anywhere in the title/picture/description will automatically disqualify the PHOTOESSAY
  • Once accepted, further changes in the author(s) or title/picture/description will be not be allowed
  • Certificate of Photoessay presentation will be issued only to the Chief/Main author
  • The Scientific committee reserves the right to withdraw/disqualify the Photoessay at any time

Common guidelines for IC/Paper/Poster/Video Once a paper/poster/video/IC is selected for presentation at MOSCON, it is mandatory that the author(and all the co-authors in case of IC) register and attend the conference and present their selected work. Inability to attend the conference and present should be intimated to the Scientific Chairman by email well before the conference, with a valid reason. Failing a valid reason for not attending and not presenting will be considered for disciplinary action with respect to forthcoming scientific meetings. For any queries please mail